Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And so it begins...

Finally the mail has arrived and inside a sweet little package from Notemaker were six very delightful moleskine cahier journals just waiting to be stained with ink.

And so my year of writing begins.. with some words from 'Writing Down the Bones' my soul sings as the words pour onto the page.

The adventure begins...


  1. Looking forward reading about your adventures! I really enjoyed following your Library adventures for the last year!!!

  2. Good luck with this public adventure you are about to embark on !

  3. this is so you Sophie! It will be such a wonderful place to visit. Happy New year!!!!xx

  4. loving all these project people are embarking on!
    oh, and the smell of clean notebooks (not to mention you have beautiful handwriting!)

  5. New adventures are so full of hope and anticipation! I wish you a wonderful journey.

  6. Looking forward to following the new adventure :) your other blog is a delight to read, so am sure this new one will be a treat as well.

  7. Hi Sophie, I love reading your blog and know I'll love delving into your new one as well. I loved Writing Down the Bones, I read it about 5 years ago and wish I had discovered it much earlier.
    Ooh, and those moleskins are so yummy. Have fun cracking the spine xxxKyla

  8. It seems you love NoteMaker as much as we do... nothing beats a beautiful journal to start your writing year! All the best Sophie for your adventures ahead.
